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Identify all the necessary features of your new hotel, including an estimation of revenue potential, staff costs, and financing options.

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Service Goals

  1. To determine the basic characteristics of the new property, such as the type, category, room types, service areas, and the necessary facilities.

  2. To calculate with greater accuracy the estimated revenue that could result from the specification of the room types, as well as the personnel costs according to the spaces and functions of the property.

  3. To establish basic elements of the property's strategy, such as target audience, competition, and sales and marketing channels that will contribute to its positioning in the market.

During the Typology Study, after analyzing the potential of the property (coverage, construction, characteristics), we present alternative proposals for the configuration of the hotel with prospects for revenue, staff cost approach, and analysis of the pros and cons both prior to operation and with regard to possible funding prospects.

Once the analysis of the possible directions that the property will take according to the alternative proposals is completed and the final direction is decided by the owners, we form the final typology file of the hotel, which describes its selected morphological characteristics that will assist the architectural design process while also providing more information regarding the proposed common objectives and competition, reflecting the new hotel's overall strategic direction.

This file is a valuable guide for both the design teams involved and any new collaborator who joins the team at this point.

"The classification of a property (type of hotel, room types, operational logic, services) should be determined by commercial criteria and largely decided upon before the architectural study to ensure the success of the investment."


Are you ready for a new

Hotel Concept for your property?

Send us a request for collaboration describing your needs and our Hotel Experts team will contact you shortly in order to further discuss your project.

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